CTM - News & Updates
Submission of Full Paper:
    Mar 23rd ,2015
Notification of     Acceptance :
    Mar 25th ,2015
Camera Ready Paper       Submission Deadline :
    Mar 23rd ,2015
Last Date of Registration     :
    Mar 23rd ,2015
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Paper Submission

General Submission Guidelines:

Only original papers, which have not been published or accepted in a journal or Conference proceedings, nor presented at another conference, should be submitted. Also papers which are currently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere, must not be submitted For consistency of publication, please submit all your papers as Word documents with limit of Maximum 6-8 pages and adhere to the following section divisions and guidelines when preparing your paper:

Abstract(Times New Roman 9 ),

Key words, Introduction, Conclusion, and Reference Please use Times New Roman font for submission of papers:

For headings- 10 font size Capital

For Sub headings- 10 font size italics

For normal text- 10 font size

For Tables(Name Above Table) / Image ( Name below Image) -8 font size

The paper Template can also be downloaded from the Links below

• Copyright Template - Word Format

• Paper Template - Word Format

Please send/submit your papers and Payment/Bank Details/Queries to  ctm.sgvu@gmail.com


1.Maximum 4 authors are allowed to write/contribute for a research paper in CTM.

2.Per Paper One registration is required, if more than one author wish to attend the conference then another author may also get the registration done.

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