CTM - News & Updates
Submission Date:
    Feb 14th ,2015
Notification of     Acceptance :
    Feb 25th ,2015
Camera Ready Paper       Submission Deadline :
    Mar 13th ,2015
Last Date of Registration     :
    Mar 20th ,2015
Our Sponsers

About the University

Suresh Gyan Vihar University is the logical outcome of a great dream, and meticulous research and development. It is the culmination of a dream that is seeing its fruition after three generations of single minded dedication, hard work and unfailing perseverance for the cause of education and the upliftment of the poor and down-trodden, was established in the year 2008 under the university act 2(f) of UGC approved by Government of Rajasthan. The University is a confederation of Schools, Faculties and Departments. They are: Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel Management, Bio Sciences and Education. University has lush green campus located at Mahal Jagatpura, Jaipur and hundred & seventy miles away from nation’s capital.

About School of Engineering & Technology

The Gyan Vihar School of Engineering & Technology (GVSET) was established at the university in year 2000, with the objective of imparting quality education in all Engineering disciplines. It is the first-ever NBA accredited college of Rajasthan. It offers a learning experience founded in the most world class engineering institution that makes your engineering education both powerful and human and its responsible for producing skilled engineers and quality professionals.The aim is to provide best research experience to students and facilitate them with the sounds knowledge of upcoming technologies with hands-on experience.

About the Conference

The conference enables the researchers to share their research experiences towards creating human friendly technologies which will immensely help organizations and enterprises in management and development. The conference “Convergence of Technologies & Management- CTM 2015” will provide a platform for bringing together many experts, academics, scientists, technicians and engineers from many well-known domestic and foreign institutions of higher learning, to help in sharing insights, provide guidance for future and address the participant’s questions and concerns. This will further include discussions, round table sessions, and presentations by experts and discuss ideas, challenges and potential solutions on established or emerging topics related to research and practice in computer science and information systems from around the world

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